Ph.D., History and Philosophy of Psychology, Existential-Phenomenology, Clinical Inquiry, Saybrook University San Francisco, CA (2007).
M.A., Health Psychology, Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA (2001).
Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University, Seattle, WA (1992-1995).
B.A., Political Science/Psychology, Clark University, Worcester, MA (1979).
Massage Therapy, Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, Newington, CT, License # 897 (1989). Cranio-Sacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release, Upledger Institute, Palm Beach Gardens, FL (1994). Reiki, Levels 1, II, III, (1985-87).
Professor, Department of Psychology, School of Arts, Letters, and Sciences, National University, San Diego, CA (2008–-present). Capstone Research, Independent Study for Honor’s Students, Biological, Social, Developmental, and Cognitive Psychology, Psychopathology, History and Philosophy, Personality Theory, Qualitative Analysis, Psychology of Consciousness.
Associate Faculty, Assistant Professor, National University, San Diego, CA (2015-2017). Co-developed curriculum for B.A., Integrative Psychology.
Post-doctoral Research
- Lecturer, Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs, Provincial Government, Guangxi, PRC. (2008-present).
- Invited Fulbright Scholarship, Centrede Recherche en Epistémologie Appliquée and L’Institut des Systèmes Complexes, Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) (2011).
- Research Assistant to Eugene Taylor, PhD, Historian, Lecturer on Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, and Senior Psychologist on the Psychiatric Service, Massachusetts General Hospital (2003-2013).
- Archival Research and Manuscript Preparation: Taylor, E. (2009). The mystery of personality: A history of psychodynamic theories. Springer; Taylor, E. (2005). William James and the spiritual roots of American pragmatism. Unpublished.
Academic Affiliations
Weidner Library, Harvard University (2003-2013).
Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University (2005-2010).
Kroch Library, Division of Rare Books & Manuscripts, Cornell University (2012).
Molecular & Cellular Biology, Ernst Mayr Library, Harvard University (2012).
Bibliothèque François Mitterrand (2011).
Dissertation Research Award
Alan Watts Scholarship Awards, Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (2006-2007).
Academic Committees
5-Year WASC Reaccreditation Committee, B.A., Integrative Psychology. National University (2023-2024).
Reorganization Committee, B.A., Psychology. National University (2015).
5-Year WASC Reaccreditation Committee, B.A., Psychology. National University (2012-2013).
Member, Institutional Review Board, Saybrook University (1999-2009).
Research Director/Psychotherapist, Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines, Southbury, CT (1995 – present): Conduct range-finder studies with small cohorts to examine the efficacy of nutraceuticals, assess treatment outcomes, and compile reviews of literature for monographs.
Counsel individuals and couples.
Select Clinical Research
- Mixed method studies to investigate the efficacy of hormonal and nutritional treatment protocols on women’s well-being using oral sublingual DHEA and transdermal progesterone (2000-2007).
- Review of literature for monograph on Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Natural Standard Database (2004).
- Research testing the efficacy of Reiki as adjunctive care in chemotherapy, Yale University Oncology Outpatient Clinic, New Haven, CT (1990).
- Gordon, S. (5/15/2024). Lecturer. The mind-brain continuum and the embodiment of familiarity and trust. Lecture Series on Familiarity and Trust as Basic Elements of an Intersubjective Anthropology. Karl Jaspers Library of the Centre for Psychosocial Medicine, Universität Heidelberg, Hospital for General Psychiatry, Heidelberg, DE.
- Gordon, S. (9/13/23). Lecturer. Intracrinology is autopoietic. Biochemical Society Scientific Meeting on Sulfation Pathways: Sulfated Signalling Molecules in Health and Disease. Society for Endocrinology, Portland Press, and University of Birmingham, UK.
- Gordon, S. (8/18 – 8/20/23). YouTube, Short Talk. Intracrinology is autopoietic. Neuroscience Needs a Revolution – Summer Symposium. The Science of Consciousness Conferences: California Institute for Human Science, Encinitas, CA, and Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona.
- Gordon, S. (6/11/23). Lecturer. Autoimmunity and the mind-brain relationship. Autoimmune Disorders Conference. National University of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR.
- Gordon, S. (6/26/19). Invited Presenter. Psychoneurointracrinology: The embodied self. The Science of Consciousness, Annual Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland.
- Gordon, S. (4/14/19). Lecturer. Psychoneurointracrinology: The mind-brain continuum. Endocrinology and Autoimmune Disorders Conference, National University of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR.
- Gordon, S. (6/26/19). Invited Presenter. Psychoneurointracrinology: The embodied self. The Science of Consciousness, Annual Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland.
- Gordon, S. (4/14/19). Lecturer. Psychoneurointracrinology: The mind-brain continuum. Endocrinology and Autoimmune Disorders Conference, National University of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR.Lecturer. Psychoneurointracrinology: The mind-brain continuum. Endocrinology and Autoimmune Disorders Conference, National University of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR.
- Gordon, S. (9/12/18). Lecturer. The Mind-brain continuum. University of Bridgeport, College of Naturopathic Medicine, Grand Rounds, Bridgeport, CT.
- Gordon, S. (8/19/18). Keynote Speaker. Psychoneurointracrinology: The mind/brain continuum. Integrative Endocrinology Conference, Annual, American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Conference, National University of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR.
- Gordon, S. (8/9-8/12/18). Invited Panel Discussant. Mindfulness: Beyond techniques and interventions—Potential for human flourishing and intimacy. 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Gordon, S. (8/9-8/12/18). Invited Presenter. The existential-transpersonal self and embodied well-being. 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Gordon, S. (9/25-9/27/17). Invited Presenter. Psychoneurointracrinology: The embodied self. 6th Annual World Congress of Molecular Medicine, Xi'an, PRC.
- Gordon, S. (8/4 – 8/7/16). Presenter. ICD-10: Challenges for psychologists. Division 32, 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
- Gordon, S. (8/4 – 8/7/16). Chair/Presenter. Neurophenomenology: A humanistic renaissance. Division 32, 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
- Gordon, S. (6/2 – 6/5/16). Invited Presenter. Alan Watts and neurophenomenology. University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy.
- Gordon, S. (6/22-23/15). Invited Presenter. Neurophenomenology: The intuitive bridge between mind and brain. First Transpersonal Research Colloquium. Milan, Italy.
- Gordon, S. (3/13 - 3/16/14). Invited Presenter. Neurophenomenology: The intuitive bridge between mind and brain. Intuition and method: Phenomenological, indigenous, and neurophenomenological perspectives. Division 32, 6th Annual Division Conference, Sofia University, Palo Alto, CA.
- Gordon, S. (3/13 – 3/16/14). Invited Panel Discussant. Humanizing the neuropsychological assessment experience. Division 32, 6th Annual Division Conference, Sofia University, Palo Alto, CA.
- Gordon, S. (10/4 - 10/19/13). Lecturer. Mind-body medicine. Bureau of Foreign Experts, PRC: Guilin Medical University, and Guangxi University, Department of Pharmacology, Nanning, PRC.
- Gordon, S. (9/10/13). Lecturer. The neurophenomenology of self. Yale University, Program for Recovery and Community Health, New Haven, CT.
- Gordon, S. (8/2-8/3/13). Presenter. Book: Neurophenomenology and Its Applications to Psychology. Divisions 32 and 52, 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
- Gordon, S. (8/3/12). Chair/Presenter, Symposium. The neurophenomenological self. Division 32, 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
- Gordon, S. (5/25 – 5/28/12). Presenter. Existential time and the meaning of human development. Second International Conference on Existential Psychology, Shanghai, PRC.
- Gordon, S. (4/1/12). Chair and Presenter, Symposium. Neurophenomenology and Its Applications to Psychology. Division 32, 5th Annual Conference, Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Gordon, S., & Rubman, A. (9/11/11). Presenters. Psychoneurointracrinology: It’s role in mind-body medicine. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Annual Convention, Phoenix, AZ.
- Gordon, S. (8/5/11). Chair/Presenter, Symposium. Humanizing science: Person-centered neuroscience, model building, and evidence-based practice. Division 32, 119th Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- Gordon, S. (7/4 – 7/8/11). Presenter. Existential time and the meaning of human development. 17th Conference, International Society for Chinese Philosophy. Paris, EHESS, France.
- Gordon, S. (4/15 – 4/17/11). Presenter. New medical continuum: Psychotherapy, naturopathic medicine, and psychopharmacology (2-hour, CE workshop) (Co-presenter: Andrew Rubman, ND). Annual Conference, Society for Humanistic Psychology, Division 32, 4th Annual Conference, Chicago School for Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL.
- Gordon, S. (4/12 – 4/15/11). Invited Presenter. The Mind-brain continuum. Wiring the Brain: Making Connections. International Conference associated with Neuroscience Ireland and BioMed Central. Powerscourt, Co Wicklow, Ireland.
- Gordon, S. (8/15/10). Chair. Neurophenomenology: The mind and the brain. Conversation Hour, Society for International Psychology, Division 52, 118th Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
- Gordon, S. (8/13/10). Chair. Neurophenomenology: The embodied mind. Conversation Hour, Division 32, 118th Annual Convention, American Psychological Association San Diego, CA.
- Gordon, S. (6/20/10). Presenter. Existential time and the meaning of human development. Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Pacific Grove, CA.
- Gordon, S. (4/24/10). Keynote Speaker. Neurophenomenology: The mind and the brain. Society for International Psychology, Division 52, 90th Annual Convention, Western Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, Cancun, Mexico.
- Gordon, S. (4/2-4/5/10). Presenter. Existential challenges of midlife, Existential givens, Emotion and existential psychology. First International Existential Psychology East-West Conference, Nanjing, China.
- Gordon, S. (2/27/10). Chair, Symposium. Neurophenomenology: The mind and the brain. Midwinter Meeting, Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, Division 24, American Psychological Association, Miami, FL.
- Gordon, S. (2/20/10). Presenter. Neurophenomenology and the enactive approach to cognition. Symposium, Confluence Psychology Alliance, Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Gordon, S. (8/6/09). Chair, Symposium. Neurophenomenology and the enactive approach to cognition, Division 32, 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Gordon, S. (6/12/09). Presenter/Poster. Psycho-Neuro-Intracrinology: Embodiment of myth, intentionality, and the spiritual sense of well-being in women at midlife. Toward a Science of Consciousness. Hong Kong, China.
- Gordon, S. (6/09). Nominee, William James Award. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC). Berlin, DE. Psychoneurointracrinology: The mind-body continuum.
- Gordon, S. (8/15/08). Presenter. Psycho-Neuro-Intracrinology: Myth, intentionality, and spiritual well-being in women at midlife, Division 32, 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
- Gordon, S. (11/3/07) (Invited Address). The sexuality of women and the management of menopause. Poliplaza Médica Insituto de Medicina y Tecnología Avanzada de la Conducta. Ciebles Center, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
- Gordon, S. (9/24/07). Presenter. Psycho-Neuro-Intracrinology: The embodiment of myth, intentionality, and the spiritual sense of well-being in women at midlife. 4th International Conference on Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychologies & Psychotherapies. Sino-American Institute for Transpersonal Studies & the Baiyun Psychological Hospital, Guangzhou, China.
Gordon, S. (2023). The mind-brain continuum: Psychoneurointracrinology. Springer, Cham.
Gordon, S. (Ed.). (2013a). Neurophenomenology and its applications to psychology. Springer.
Book Chapters
Gordon, S. (2021). Alan Watts and neurophenomenology. In P. J. Columbus (Ed.), The relevance of Alan Watts in contemporary culture: Understanding contributions and controversies (pp. 44-56). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
Robbins, B. D., & Gordon, S. (2015). Humanistic neuropsychology: The implications of neurophenomenology for psychology. In K. J. Schneider & J. F. Pierson (Eds.), The handbook of humanistic psychology: Leading edges in theory, research, and practice (2nd ed., pp. 195-211). Sage Publications.
Gordon, S. (2013b). Psychoneurointracrinology: The embodied self. In S. Gordon (Ed.), Neurophenomenology and its applications to psychology (pp. 115-148). Springer.
Book Reviews
Gordon, S. (2019, September). Review of Ecology of the brain: The phenomenology and biology of the embodied mind. [Review of the book Ecology of the brain: The phenomenology and biology of the embodied mind. T. Fuchs]. The Humanistic Psychologist, 47(3), 316-327.
Gordon, S. (2017, December, 18). Alan Watts reconsidered. [Review of the book Alan Watts – in the Academy: Essays and Lectures. P. Columbus & D. L. Rice]. PsycCritiques Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 62(50), Article 9. PsycCRITIQUES database.
Gordon, S. (2017, January, 2). Transcending mind in time. [Review of the book Transcendent Mind: Rethinking the Science of Consciousness. I. Baruss & J. Mossbridge]. PsycCritiques Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 62(1), Article 9. PsycCRITIQUES database.
Gordon, S. (2016, August, 8). Does consciousness exist? [Review of the book New Directions in Consciousness Studies: SoS Theory and the Nature of Time. C. Nunn]. PsycCritiques Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 61(32), Article 8. PsycCRITIQUES database.
Gordon, S. (2013, April, 9). Internal time is autopoietic. [Review of the book Internal Time: Chronotypes, Social Jet Lag, and Why You’re So Tired. T. Roenneberg]. PsycCritiques Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 58(15), Article 4. PsycCRITIQUES database.
Gordon, S. (2011, December, 14). Neurobiology of morality? [Review of the book Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells us About Morality. P. Churchland]. PsycCritiques Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 56(50), Article 4. PsycCRITIQUES database.
Gordon, S. (2010, November 3). Beyond mental capital and wellbeing: Natural alternatives [Review of the book Mental Capital and Wellbeing. B. Sahakian, C. Cooper, & U. Goswami]. PsycCritiques Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 55(44), Article 6. PsycCRITIQUES database.
Gordon, S. (2009, September 30). The mind and the brain [Review of the book The Human Amygdala. P. J. Whalen & E. A. Phelps, Eds.]. PsycCritiques Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 54(39), Article 9. PsycCRITIQUES database.
Gordon, S. (2008, December). [Review of the book Whole Person Healthcare: Volume 1: Humanizing Healthcare; Volume 2: Psychology, Spirituality, and Health; Volume 3: The Arts and Health. A. Serlin, M. A. DiCowden, K. Rockefeller, S. Brown, J. Sonke-Henderson, R. Brandman, & J. Graham-Pole, Eds.] The Humanistic Psychologist, 36(3-4), 357-373.
Select Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Rubman, A., & Gordon, S. (2021, September). Intracrine steroid biosynthesis. Naturopathic Doctors News & Review, 17(9), 12-13.
Gordon, S. (2016). Alan Watts and neurophenomenology. Self & Society: International Journal for Humanistic Psychology, 43(4), 311-321.
Gordon, S. (2013, Fall). Neurophenomenology and its applications to psychology. International Psychology Bulletin, 17(4), 57-58.
Gordon, S. (2013). Dedication and Foreword. Journal of Holistic Psychology. Vol. II: Eros, body, and consciousness, 2, 15-18.
Interview: Krippner, S., & Gordon, S. (2013). The embodied issue of neurophenomenology. Social Science in China Today.
Gordon, S. (2012, February). Existential time and the meaning of human development. The Humanistic Psychologist, 40(1), 79-86.
Gordon, S., & Rubman, A. (2011, September). Psychoneurointracrinology: It’s role in mind-body medicine. Natural Medicine Journal, 3(9). American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Annual Convention, Abstracts.
The New Existentialists, Saybrook University, Oakland, CA (2013-2015):
- Gordon, S. (5/18/15). Imagery and Symbolism in the Therapeutic Process
- Gordon, S. (2/18/15). Allan Combs and Stanley Krippner on Human Development
- Gordon, S. (1/19/15). Gordon Allport’s Narrative Approach to Personality
- Gordon, S. (12/15/14). Henry Murray’s Personology
- Gordon, S. (11/17/14). Psychoneurointracrinology
- Gordon, S. (10/20/14). From Basic Human Tendencies to Personal Myth
- Gordon, S. (9/22/14). Karen Horney: Cultural Influences on the Female Psyche
- Gordon, S. (8/18/14). Mircea Eliade on Time and Eternity
- Gordon, S. (7/21/14). Depth Psychology of the Feminine
- Gordon, S. (5/19/14). Where Autopoiesis Becomes Myth
- Gordon, S. (4/21/14). Symbols of Transformation and Psychospiritual Growth
- Gordon, S. (3/17/14). Myth: The Mind-body Connection
- Gordon, S. (1/27/14). Joseph Campbell on the Myth of the Hero
- Gordon, S. (12/23/13). The Growth-Oriented Dimension of the Person
- Gordon, S. (10/28/13). Sunyata: Transcending the Stream
- Gordon, S. (9/16/13). Revisiting a Person-centered Science
- Gordon, S. (7/29/13). Neurophenomenology and Its Applications to Psychology
- Gordon, S. (8/21/13). The Neurophenomenological Self
Boardroom Publications
Gordon, S. (2015, March). Interview: “Sleep procrastination – Don’t sleep over this bad habit.” Daily Health News. Stamford, CT Boardroom Publications.
Rubman, A., & Gordon, S. (5/1/08). Interview: “How to find a top alternative doc.” Bottom Line/Personal, 29(9), 11-12.
Gordon, S. (7/23/07). Interview: “A different kind of hormone replacement therapy.” Daily Health News. Greenwich, CT: Boardroom Publications.
Gordon, S. (7/29/03). Interview: “Natural hormone replacement therapy.” Daily Health News. Greenwich, CT: Boardroom Publications.
Gordon, S. (2007). Psycho-Neuro-Intracrinology: The embodiment of myth, intentionality, and the spiritual sense of well-being in women at midlife. Dissertation Abstracts International, B 68/09. (UMI No. 3285857)
Research introduces the construct psychoneurointracrinology to explain the embodied dimension of personality. Uses a theoretical, hermeneutic, pedagogical method synthesizing a history of ideas in existential-phenomenology, cognitive neuroscience, and medical physiology. Psychological commentary: implications of this model for an archetypal depth psychology of the feminine, the mind-body problem, the developmental model across the lifespan, and the description of what psychology studies.
Gordon, S. (2001). A theoretical investigation of the relationship between transpersonal self-concept and estrogen dominance. Unpublished master’s thesis. Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA
Research investigates the relationship between transpersonal self-concept (TS) (Friedman, 1983) and estrogen dominance (ED). A literature review supported the author’s theory that ED facilitates a crisis of meaning and identity, psychosomatic symptoms associated with adrenal insufficiency facilitate transpersonal growth rather than psychopathology, and natural HRT (bioidentical progesterone/DHEA) enables change in TS. The thesis proposed a study using a causal-comparative method, pretest-posttest control group design, correlational tests, and first-person methods. The author was Principal Investigator for a small study of perimenopausal women evaluating clinical correlations between diet, supplements, natural HRT, symptomology, and titers of active and inactive steroidal species within a 24-hour urine aliquot to assess change in premenstrual symptomatology, transpersonal self-concept, and mid-luteal hormone levels associated with the administration of a nutritional protocol, micronized topical progesterone cream, and oral sublingual DHEA.
Journal of Consciousness Studies, Imprint Academics
Journal of Neurophilosophy, Anka
MDPI Journals, Philosophy
PsycCritiques Contemporary Psychology, APA Review of Books
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, Johns Hopkins University Press
Philosophy Study, David Publishing Company
Psychology of Consciousness Theory, Research, and Practice, APA
Studia Phaenomenologica, Zeta Books Publishing
The Humanistic Psychologist, Taylor & Francis Group
American Psychological Association (2006-2017).
Division 32, Chair, Awards Committee (2008-2017).
Division 32, Member-at-large (2012-2017).
Division 32, Committee on International Relations (2015-2017).
Division 32, Co-chair, Bylaws Revision Committee (2013-2017).
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Washington, DC, USA
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA
American Psychological Association, Division 24, Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology
American Psychological Association, Division 32, Humanistic Psychology
American Psychological Association, Division 52, International Psychology
Bibliothèque Francois Mitterrand, Paris, France
Biochemical Society, London, UK
Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs, Provincial Government, Guangxi, PRC
Philemon Foundation, Carpinteria, CA, USA
Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, San Francisco, CA, USA